Blade Runner Final Cut Analysis: Ideology

Resultado de imagen para Blade runner

Ideology can sometimes push against already existing conformity by presenting a possible transformation in society.  After studying this, I realize that in the film “Blade Runner”, we can assume the ideology of using the replicants or androids as an inferior social class that battle against their superiors in order to survive. Even if they are at war with the humans, some of them are actually accepted by them even if they are different in every way. I actually disagree of using the androids as inferior because it doesn’t show in what way that they are in a lower level. Seeing the humanity and human-like characteristics in the replicants mirrors us and puts us in their point of view. Just because they look human, doesn’t mean that they are inferior and should not be used for slavery. I have come to conclude that the ideology here reflects on not only how both humans and androids survive in this dark dystopia, but also search for their place in society.

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