Akira (1988) What’s up, Punk?

   I got to tell you that this movie was long and slow, but still fun to watch. This movie was practically filled with punk that it screams it to the world to see.

Whenever I hear the word ‘punk’, I believe it’s more related to freedom or saying, doing and playing what you want. On this shot, we have Kaneda on his motorcycle getting ready to have fun or trouble. The teenagers in this world are all either gangsters, delinquents, or even troublemakers. When you grow up in a dangerous environment, you tend to risk your life to go against order, society, and even the government in order to survive.
Resultado de imagen para akira
Another shot I have here is Tetsuo showing his tremendous power against his enemies. Here we see an example of punk as the personal expression of uniqueness that comes from the experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions. Obviously with these newfound abilities, Tetsuo is different and outcast by society. At first, he struggled to control his powers and was afraid that he’ll never be the same again nor live his old life. But in the end, he accepted to understand the results in self-progress, and through repetition and social evolution. He evolved from a punk boy with an attitude into a god like entity or as I would call “a son of anarchy”, going against all order and government laws to get what he wants.

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