Blade Runner Ideology Analysis

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Ideology can sometimes push against already existing conformity by presenting a possible transformation in society.  After studying this, I realize that in the film “Blade Runner”, we can assume the ideology of using the replicants or androids as an inferior social class that battle against their superiors in order to survive. Even if they are at war with the humans, some of them are actually accepted by them even if they are different in every way. I actually disagree of using the androids as inferior because it doesn’t show in what way that they are in a lower level. Seeing the humanity and human-like characteristics in the replicants mirrors us and puts us in their point of view. Just because they look human, doesn’t mean that they are inferior and should not be used for slavery. I have come to conclude that the ideology here reflects on not only how both humans and androids survive in this dark dystopia, but also search for their place in society.

Blade Runner Ideology Analysis

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Ideology can sometimes push against already existing conformity by presenting a possible transformation in society.  After studying this, I realize that in the film “Blade Runner”, we can assume the ideology of using the replicants or androids as an inferior social class that battle against their superiors in order to survive. Even if they are at war with the humans, some of them are actually accepted by them even if they are different in every way. I actually disagree of using the androids as inferior because it doesn’t show in what way that they are in a lower level. Seeing the humanity and human-like characteristics in the replicants mirrors us and puts us in their point of view. Just because they look human, doesn’t mean that they are inferior and should not be used for slavery. I have come to conclude that the ideology here reflects on not only how both humans and androids survive in this dark dystopia, but also search for their place in society.

Blade Runner Final Cut Analysis: Ideology

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Ideology can sometimes push against already existing conformity by presenting a possible transformation in society.  After studying this, I realize that in the film “Blade Runner”, we can assume the ideology of using the replicants or androids as an inferior social class that battle against their superiors in order to survive. Even if they are at war with the humans, some of them are actually accepted by them even if they are different in every way. I actually disagree of using the androids as inferior because it doesn’t show in what way that they are in a lower level. Seeing the humanity and human-like characteristics in the replicants mirrors us and puts us in their point of view. Just because they look human, doesn’t mean that they are inferior and should not be used for slavery. I have come to conclude that the ideology here reflects on not only how both humans and androids survive in this dark dystopia, but also search for their place in society.

Blade Runner (1982) Analysis

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What is the true meaning of being human? That is the question that boils in my mind while watching this film. Although it is an action film, it operates on multiple dramatic levels which is known to the main topic of the film noir including the dark cinematography and the questionable moral outlook of the hero – in this case, extended to include reflections upon the nature of his own humanity. The protagonist Deckard questions the humanity of the replicants by utilizing an empathy test which is a series of questions focused on the treatment of animals and other people. The replicants show compassion and concern to their kind but are against human characters who lack the empathy in this dark dystopian world.

From watching the action of the replicants of trying to prolong their lifespan, I’ve come to realize that the better question for this film is: what does it truly mean to be alive? Everyone says that androids and robots are just machines that cannot feel or induce true feelings such as love and pain. But I believe that even humans are robots of a sort for each of us is programmed in our own special way. In a way, androids are alive because they learn, grow, and experience things humans do as well. In Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” it is mentioned that even robots have souls but not in the same way a human feels. Anyone, whether they’re humans or machines, who think of others and care for them must have a soul to do so which is something I can tell that it is the truth.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Editing)

The film 2001: A Space Odyssey is a work of cinematic poetry and its combination of philosophical musings with its special effects, sound design, production design, cinematography and editing make it just as visually impressive and thematically fascinating now as it was when originally released in 1968. Now, editing is considered one of the extraordinary keys of the film due to its time skipping from the dawn of man to the futuristic space universe.

In the scenes of ‘The Dawn of Man’, each scene cuts explains the birth of technology where the primates will later evolve into modern humans just in time to save their species from extinction. At first, they were primitive, wild, herbivores, vulnerable to predators, and fearful. But that all changed after they encountered the alien black monolith. One of the apes simultaneously learns to use a bone to hunt with as well as use it as a weapon of mass destruction.

One of the greatest graphic edits I’ve chosen was the cuts from the bone being triumphantly thrown into the air to a satellite in orbit three million years later. This dramatic cut links the two objects as tools of humanity but also draws attention to the vast differences between them. One is a natural tool with a simple function while the other is a complex object that has left the planet to now serve humanity in space.

Metropolis 1927: Acting

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The film Metropolis is one of the famous silent films where acting is the key of giving life to the film. Even though there’s not a sound or voice in it, besides the theme music we could hear, we can still fully understand the plot of the movie by the body language shown in their acting. In one of these shots, we see the workers walking in a mechanical way, leaning side by side in each step, almost like they have been programmed like machines or slaves. The next shots shows Freder’s change in emotion by studying his facial expressions and hand positions. The way he’s holding his heart on his chest, we see that the woman Maria had captured his heart and he’s trying to calm it down from beating wildly. On the other shot, we see his arms crossed on him and we can deduce that he’s obviously traumatized by the accident in the work factory, causing the deaths of some workers. It’s amazing how a sudden change in facial expressions can manipulate the course of the film in every way. Over the years, we pay attention to the voices and sound more than what we should be really focus on: the acting. The power of acting makes us relive the theatrical moments and glory of any type of films, whether they are silent or not.

The Terminator (1984) Action Theme Sounds

The movie Terminator is an action filled film and its famous for the digital sound effects in it. It has a huge collection of different types of theme music and background sounds to match the moment or mood in the film. It was hard to choose just one type of sound to analyze so I chose my favorites.

The first couple of shots introduces the Terminator’s arrival in the past. Here you hear a rhythm of booming drumming sounds. It sounds like that makes your heart pumping with fear and nervousness, cause it sure made mine pump. It’s obviously telling us of his dangerous mission to terminate his target.
In this shot, the main characters Kyle and Sarah were running away for their lives to escape the android. The music becomes a chase theme with high tempo that fills you up with adrenaline just as you were actually are in the film. This actually adds more suspense in this scene.

The music in the background here makes us believe that the terminator had finally found Sarah in her hiding place, but it turns out to be Reese who entered the room.

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This shot was scary but at the same time cool. This is when the terminator finally reveals his true form as the android he really is. Here the music was dark, ominous, and villainous. It gave the antagonist the appearance of being risen from the dead, ensuring his indestructible form as he stands tall while overlooking his enemy. These guys are stinking hard to kill, aren’t they?